2019 International Music Day Forum in Hokkaido

Japan Life-time Music Education Instructors Conference held 2019 International Music Day Forum in Hokkaido-A Gift From Northern Land on September 28 and 29 at Sapporo Community Plaza in association with Ongaku Souzou (Promotion of Music Culture) and support of the Ministry of Culture, Hokkaido Education Committee, Japan Musical Instruments Association, Yamaha Music Japan and Kawai Musical Insts. Mfg.
Consisted of qualified educators authorized by Ongaku Souzou, Japan Life-time Music Education Committee provides and supports music education rooted from individual local culture. It plays a role of a frontrunner for the industry in promotion of music making.
Yoshinori Terada, president of Elm Music in Sapporo says, “Music products industry much owes to music educators, and we must support them as they help us promote music culture and music playing.”
In response to his appeal, Industry associations, manufacturers, distributors and local music dealers including Yamaha Music Foundation, Korg, Sankyo Gakki, Zen-On Music, Prima Gakki and Niimi Gakki joined forces and backed up the event.
With total attendance of 330 educators throughout the country, the first day closed successfully with rich programs including a keynote speech by a freelance TV personality and music performances.
The highlight program of the second day was the seminar titled in “Children’s Songs Inspired by Kodály Zoltán Hungarian composer, educator, psychologist and philosopher” by Ms. Yoko Minami, music educator, a member of International Japan Kodály Association. Kodály is recognized as trailblazer of music educational method. (photos right: Ms. Yoko Minami and the seminar)
She studied in Hungary inspirited by Kodály’s phylosophy, “Music can influence human character-building. That’ s why we need music education.” She talked how music educators can raise children who can understand and appreciate broad types of artistic music by experiencing songs arranged for children in the beginning. Children are best inspired by first encounter with music in early days of education.
Kodály said that it’s critical to raise qualified audience who can appreciate art of music more than raising creators of art.