1st Hibiya Music Festival Takes Place In Tokyo

1st Hibiya Music Festival took place at Hibiya Park, Tokyo, on June 1(Sat.) and 2 (Sun.), which was open to music makers and music fans of all age groups and nationality with and without musical experience free of charge. Produced by Seiji Kameda, bassist and music producer, it was backed by Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Chiyoda-ku, and supported by top artists and private corporations. From the music products industry, Yamano Music, Yamaha Music Japan and Rittor Music offered the organizer a special support.
According to the organizer, the event successfully drew 100,000 visitors and, the special concert “Hibiya Dreams Session” featuring Seiji Kameda and his band, The Music Park Orchestra, Sayuri Ishikawa, Torayasu Hotei, JUJU and other renowned singers and musicians received massive media coverage. The visitors enjoyed a host of concerts of various genre, talk sessions and music workshops staged here and there in the spacious park.

Casio Computer, Korg, Yamano Music, Yamaha Music Japan, Rittor Music and Roland offered hands-on sessions, while 9 member companies from Japan Musical Instruments Association including Otsuka Gakki, Kikutani Music, Kiwaya, Suzuki Musical Instruments Mfg., Tombo Musical Instruments, Niimi Gakki, Prima Gakki, Mishimaya Gakkitenn and Moridaira Musical Instruments set up booths offering accordions, keyed harmonicas, digital pianos, electronic keyboards, percussion instruments, guitars, ukuleles, ocarinas, wind and stringed instruments for free experience for first time music makers, and entertained them with demos and workshops. (photo left: ‘Hibiya Dream Session’ concert featuring Seiji Kameda, producer, left and Torayasu Hotei right, below right: Ukulele workshop presented by Kiwaya Co., Ltd. and Roland/Boss booth where V-drum workshop, experience sessions of digital Japanese drum and Aerophone were offered.)
The organizer plans to stage the second session on May 30 and 31, 2020.