Record Attendance for 2018 Musical Instruments Fair Japan

Musical Instruments Fair Japan, which celebrated 50 years history took place for 3 days from October 19 (Fri.) through 21 (Sun.) at Tokyo Big Sight, and closed with a great success marking the largest ever 50,000 plus visitors.
Under the banner of “Play, Blow, Hit! Let’s Enjoy Music!!” the event provided general public with a host of enhanced hands-on programs for first time music players as well as demos, demos of exciting new products and a mega shopping mall where the visitors got inspired by the on-site music lessons could buy any musical instruments of their interest. (photo: Kyoto’s Tachibana Senior Highschool Marching Band enthralled the visitors with their dynamic performance.)
It drew 50,841 visitors, a record level, though the number of exhibitors including music stores represented at the shopping mall were 150, fewer than the previous fair. They flooded throughout the exhibit floors, and enjoyed music playing experience and entertainment programs. The excitement and pleasant atmosphere felt at all areas well reflected high expectation for the Fair held once every two years.
Outset as a public show, but this session the organizer reserved 19th morning exclusively for business, and more than 400 music retailers visited the fair site for checking new products, Fair special models and looking for new business connections.
The attractive music entertainment programs including popular senior high school marching band shows, Drummers Paradise which invited drummers to compare sounds of 21 brands, 40 sets of drumset provided by the exhibitors, Synth Fest and Premium Grand Piano Experience staged at atrium, reception hall and exhibit floors apparently helped contributed to draw record number of visitors. (photos right: Premium Grand Piano Experience and Drummers Paradise)

It’s quite natural wanting to buy interested musical instruments after experiencing hands-on. The visitors directed to mega shopping mall to purchase 49 million yen worth of music products for the 3 days. The music stores participated in the mall apparently appreciated the opportunity to promote themselves and inventories to prospective customers from remote areas for the coming best business season.(photo left, parents and kids build original musical instruments.)
2018 Musical Instruments Fair effectively served the purpose of increasing music makers with increased expectation for its role in the future. (photos: Mega Shopping Mall sold 49 million yen worth of musical instruments for the 3 days. visitors looking for music books and scores on sale.)