More Business-oriented 2018 Musical Instruments Fair Japan
In the 19th afternoon during the 2018 Musical Instruments Fair Japan, Japan Musical Instruments Association hosted 3 business seminars for the industry members:

1. U.S. Music Products Retail Market Presentation by Mr. Joe Lamond, NAMM president
2. Competitive Strategy as a Narrative Story seminar by Ken Kusunoki, business scholor, professor of Hitotsubashi University Graduate School.
3. Panel discussion: Future Style of Music Retailers: Toshiaki Hirose, president of Shimamura Music Co., Ltd, Hiroaki Takeshima, president of Music La Festa and Daisuke Matsumoto, president of Rittor Music, Inc. as the panelists. (photos from l. to r., Joe Lamond, Ken Kusunoki, and the 4 panelists (Ken Kusunoki, Toshiaki Hirose, Hiroaki Takeshima and Daisuke Matsumoto)

Japan Musical Instruments Association hosted an industry reception in the 19th evening at the Reception Hall of Big Sight. Takuya Nakata, JMIA president (photo bottom left), commented in his speech that the business seminars and the panel discussion gave the industry some key clues in doing business in a society where seniors share one third of the population in the near future.