Sankyo Flute Marks 50th Anniversary

Sankyo Flute Seisakusho hosted 50th Anniversary Reception on July 6 at Hotel Metropolitan Tokyo, inviting more than 100 industry guests and endorsing flutists.
The company name stands on the 3 engineer co-founders; late Kikuo Hisakura, Hideo Takei, now chairman, and late Taichi Ohki.

Yutaka Hisakura, president and son of Kikuo said, “Sankyo has designed and developed a host of models in the past 50 years using the best conceivable materials for the highest quality sound. My father passed away 10 years ago, and I’m now with the company for over 40 years. We are privileged to have had your decades of support. Marking 50 years’ history of instrument making, we continue to commit to artists and keep building instruments of greatest quality.” (Photos from l. to r., Yutaka Hisakura, Yukio Ohashi and Hideo Takei.)

Yukio Ohashi, chairman of Prima Gakki, which is exclusive distributor of Sankyo flutes commented, “We know Sankyo Flute has been recognized as an excellent company with great ability in product development and engineering. I remember the unique High Wave head joint the company first developed shortly after it’s launch. It was first introduced at 5th National Flute Association Convention in U.S., and made a sensation for its massive sound among world’s flute society. New technologies and products have followed at almost every convention since then. The instruments in various mechanisms and materials have built the base of Sankyo.” (photo: Major products of Sankyo Flute including bass flute, far left, prototype, fife, second from left, prototype, and 50th anniversary model flute, far right)
Sankyo has established a world-wide network of 38 distributors today.